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IFSCO Stamp Classifications

IFSCO Classifications of Boy Scout & Girl Scout new issues
(postage stamps & postal stationery)
Class A
  1. Universal Postal Union (UPU) recognised country
  2. World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM) recognised country or
    World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) recognised country
  3. Design to be totally Scout/Girl Scout based within the stamp frame to honour Scouting or a Scouting event
Class B
  1. UPU recognised country
  2. WOSM/WAGGGS recognised country
  3. Design to include partial Scouting/Girl Scouting element within the stamp frame, relative to issue
  4. Class C not Scout/Girl Scout related stamps with Scout/Girl Scout overprints
Class C
  1. UPU recognised country
  2. WOSM/WAGGGS recognised country
  3. Principal design not relating to Scouting, but Scouts/Girl Scouts badges or Baden-Powell cameo included within stamp frame or sheet borders
  4. Scout/Girl Scout issues with non Scout/Girl Scout overprint
Class D
  1. Non UPU recognised country, i.e. illegal or bogus issue
  2. WOSM/WAGGGS recognised or non recognised country
  3. Design Scout/Girl Scout related or Scout/Girl Scout badge or cameo inclusion in non Scout/Girl Scout design
Class E
  1. Non official/private issues of restricted availability, for instance Personalised “P” stamps valid for national and international use
  2. Local private posts, Christmas posts
  3. Advertising / event labels

Commentary on Classifications

Class A means
  1. Issuing country is registered in the UPU-list of recognised countries
  2. Scout / Girl Scout organisation of the issuing country is member of WOSM or WAGGGS
  3. The design within the stamp frame is totally Scouting / Girl Scouting based
Class B means
  1. Issuing country is registered in the UPU-list of recognised countries
  2. Scout / Girl Scout organisation of the issuing country is member of WOSM or WAGGGS
  3. The design within the stamp frame includes partially Scouting / Girl Scouting elements
  4. Class C issues with Scout / Girl Scout overprints
Class C means
  1. Issuing country is registered in the UPU-list of recognised countries
  2. Scout / Girl Scout organisation of the issuing country is member of WOSM or WAGGGS
  3. The principal design within the stamp frame has no connection with the subject Scouting / Girl Scouting but Scout / Girl Scout related secondary / minor designs / logos within stamp frame or sheet border
  4. Issues with totally or partial Scout / Girl Scout based designs, but with non Scout / Girl Scout overprints
Class D means
  1. Issuing country is not registered in the UPU-list of recognised countries, i.e. illegal or bogus issue
  2. Scout / Girl Scout organisation of the issuing country is or is not member of WOSM or WAGGGS
  3. Issues with totally or partial Scout / Girl Scout based designs
Class E means
  1. Primarily the so-called personalised “P” stamps. These stamps are privately ordered and financed imprints in official stamp frames, executed through the postal administration, with restricted availability and very small number issued, valid for national and international use. “P” stamps are not recognised as official and independent postage stamps and therefore cannot be rated and classified
  2. Local private postage stamps, local Christmas stamps issued through private organisations
  3. Privately issued adhesive labels